News > Search > "History": 3 results
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Wendy @ Mottahedeh Sept. 15, 2021 • 1:26 PM • 1,101 days ago
Yes, our trays are not historic, but the story of the Sandwich is.  The sandwich has come a long way from a hunk of beef and cheese between bread.
“The sandwich as we know it was popularized in England in 1762 by John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich. Legend has it, and most food historians agree, that Montagu had a substantial gambling problem that led him to spend hours on end at the card table. During a particularly long binge, he asked the house cook to ...Read more of post

Jason Solarek picture
September 16, 2021 • 10:23 AM
Jason at Bridge:
Yum 🥪

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Rachel Moogan @ Rosenthal April 10, 2019 • 8:47 AM • 1,990 days ago
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Rachel Moogan @ Rosenthal April 10, 2019 • 8:47 AM • 1,990 days ago

TAC Stripes 2.0 is a tribute to the world renowned architect and founder of The Bauhaus and The Architects Collaborative, Walter Gropius. This extension adds a modern twist to the classic TAC collection!
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Mottahedeh @ Mottahedeh Nov. 28, 2016 • 2:14 PM • 2,853 days ago
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Mottahedeh @ Mottahedeh Nov. 28, 2016 • 2:14 PM • 2,853 days ago

In this time of the year when National holidays are around the corner, it is good to think about all these tiny things that make the American history remarkable. One of them is tobacco, which is still the best-selling product in the world (in form of cigarettes). What is so impressive about it, but also about the plant that brings all the beauty to one of the most popular porcelain patterns?

Nicotiana Plant is a colorful miracle

This plant was recognized by Christopher ...Read more of post

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