News > Search > "tonic": 2 results
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Orrefors - Kosta Boda Mar. 2, 2018 • 12:24 PM • 2,390 days ago
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Orrefors - Kosta Boda Mar. 2, 2018 • 12:24 PM • 2,390 days ago

Swedish Tonic Mixes Fläderbubbel-GT in Orrefors City Highball. Have a nice Friday!

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Orrefors - Kosta Boda Feb. 1, 2018 • 11:41 AM • 2,419 days ago
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Orrefors - Kosta Boda Feb. 1, 2018 • 11:41 AM • 2,419 days ago

New! Orrefors Gin & Tonic. Gin is best in company. It is only when it is mixed as ginets's own unique seasoning awakens to life and comes to its right. The ballongformade hive reinforces the flavors and provides room for generous amounts of ice and garnish. Gin & Tonic is diskmaskinsvänlig.

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